Blogmas Day Twenty Three: Homemade Christmas Cards πŸŒ²

Hi guys! πŸ‘‹πŸ»

I’ll just leave this here, just because….

It has to be done, every year.

So, I do try and make my Christmas cards every year and I have done for over 10 years now (Sayyyyy whatt, madnesss)

This year, with all the craziness I almost didn’t… but then I thought, let’s just scale it back a little, keep them simple and I just do it for my fambizzle.

So thats what I did… if you are family and are reading this, maybe don’t or your card might be on here 🀣🀣

I still had loads of festive paper left over so I used that as the main design as they are pretty ones.

My calligraphy leaves much to be desired but, be won’t worry about that.

I really liked the simple effect of using the gift tags as part of the design.

I actually really enjoyed making these again. I have utilised Moonapig this year, in order to send cards all over the place, so it was actually really nice to be making them again!

Prehaps I’ll get ahead for next year whilst I’m enjoying it and have more time. It’s nice to do things when you have the time to enjoy it and it doesn’t become a chore.

Right, I’m off to organise our round for the Festive Boxing Day Quiz (2020 stylyyyy obv)

Happy Christmas Eve, Eve!

Until Next Time,

Roseanne πŸ™‚

Blogmas Day 24: Decorating gingerbread men.

It’s Christmas Eve!!

I can’t believe it, this Blogmas has been the quickest yet.

Only One day to go!!

love doing festive craft and cooking with my nephews and niece.

I found these cute ‘decorate your own gingerbread man’ sets in the Co-op.

You get six mini gingerbread men (perfect for little ones) some icing tubes and sprinkles to decorate.

This is great for little ones as the gingerbread men aren’t too big, a good treat size, and nice and simple for them to.

They were all very excited to get started.

The set came with a little tube of icing and two different types of sprinkles.

It was a nice little bit of festive fun for the kiddies and of course their favourite part was the eating!

Merry Christmas Eve!

If you want to know how we are spending Christmas eve have a look at Blogmas Day Five

Whatever you are doing, I hope it’s a good one πŸŽ„

Until next time,

Roseanne πŸ™‚

Blogmas Day Five: Our Christmas eve plans πŸŽ…

Although of course Christmas day is the big day, I love Christmas eve and Boxing day too. Any excuse to stretch out the festivities a bit longer.

We usually spend time with my nephews Noah and Casey and my twin sister on Christmas eve and of course this year my niece Evie is a bit older and can enjoy the fun too.

It’s quite a nice chilled out day but full of fun and food.

I will get some yummy food in for breakfast for me and Tim to enjoy before he has to work.

Then me and my sister’s are going to get together and do something fun with all the kiddies.

When it gets darker we head over to my mum’s and pick her up so that we can carry out our tradition of looking at the Christmas lights around our local area. I love this tradition, it’s one of my favourite festive pastimes and it really gets you into the spirit.

After we’ve looked at the lights we head to Sarah’s for some yummy treats and relaxing in our new Christmas PJs. We don’t do full on Christmas eve boxes for the boys yet as they are still a bit little, but we do all get some new, cosy festive pjs, hot chocolate and a couple of festive activities for the boys to make or colour before bed.

We also have a Christmas film on in the background too, probably ‘The Grinch’ as we all like that.

Once the boys are in bed the adults enjoy our festive feast.

We always just get a few things that we can all share and enjoy together.

This year we are going to get a Camembert, with bread to dip, Nachoes and some pigs in blankets. It’s going to be delicious. I can’t wait!!

What do you like to do on Christmas eve?

Until next time,

Roseanne πŸ™‚

Blogmas Day Four: A festive day out πŸŽ„πŸš‚

Last weekend me, my husband Tim, twin sister Sarah and her husband Dan and kiddies, Noah & Casey went away for a winter weekend away.

We stayed at Rose Farm in Great Yarmouth, in a lovely little static caravan.

It was lovely and reminded me of our family holidays from years gone by.

One of our activities on the Saturday was a little railway journey and it felt really festive.

There was a little winter chill in the air, just enough to need to wrap up all cosy, which added to the festive feels.

We went on the Bure Railway from Wroxham to Aylesham and it was just lovely. The boys really enjoyed themselves.

To add a little extra festive cheer, there were loads of Christmas decorations.

And when we got to Aylsham there was a Santa’s grotto as well as even more lights.

So festive! πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ…β›„

It was a lovely weekend and it made us all feel really ready to start having lots of festive fun days. Bring on the next Christmas activity.

Until next time,

Roseanne πŸ™‚

21 days to go!

Blogmas Day Two: The Christmas Tag πŸŽ…

To start Blogmas off I thought that I would do a Christmas tag. Christmassy questions to get into the seasonal spirit. I love hearing about peoples Christmas traditions, food, favourite songs etc so I thought this would be a bit of fun.

I have chosen these questions from various different lists, and hopefully you guys will find these questions interesting. I’ve split the questions up into categories just to mix it up from last year.

Lets go!


Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

Our Christmas tree is fake. Its what I always had growing up and so that’s what we had when we moved into our own home.

How do you decorate your home at Christmas?

Like a grotto! (that isn’t an exaggeration!!) I go all out with a different colour scheme for each room, just to maximise the festiveness.

I also love to have a wreath on the door.

What is your favourite Christmas colour?

I love the traditional Christmas colours of red, gold and green.

What tops your tree?

We have a red star that tops our tree. This came as part of the tree decoration set that my mum bought us when we moved into our own place.


What do you usually have for Christmas dinner?

Tradtionally, my family always had turkey and gammon for our Christmas dinner. We usually have either Turkey or Chicken at my father in laws.

What is your favourite sweet treat at Christmas?

A Terry’s chocolate orange.

What is your favourite Christmas food?

It has to be the Christmas dinner, in its entirety. All those delicious components together to make one amazing meal. Pigs in blankets tho.

What is your Christmas day breakfast?

Although I am a firm believer that chocolate is 100% a legitimate breakfast for Christmas day, as a child my mum always made us have something proper for breakfast, therefore I always make me and Tim something. I usually make something we wouldn’t usually have such as dippy eggs and soldiers (A classic) or Pastries (Pan Au Choclat, Crossaints etc) and fruit juices.

Christmas Day

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

No. We have Christmas eve boxes for the boys but we open all our presents on Christmas day.

Do you wake up early on Christmas day?

Oh yeah! I’m such a child when it comes to this aspect of Christmas. Anything from 6am is fair game to me. You get more Christmas day if you are up earlier haha.

Christmas day attire, Smart or Casual?

When I was younger I used to wear something nice or new to my Nana’s for Christmas lunch. However, as an adult I now choose comfort. I have even been known to wear a Reindeer onesie all day. I do usually opt for a Christmas jumper at the in laws though.

What would be your dream place to visit for the festive season?

I would love to go back to Florida at Christmas. I bet the theme parks look so cool and Disney would be SO magical. America does holidays well.

Christmas traditions

What is your favourite Christmas tradition?

My favourite tradition is driving around our local town together, on Christmas eve, to see the Christmas lights. Its a fun Christmas eve activity and makes you feel really festive and excited for the big day.

Name a Christmas tradition from your childhood.

When we were children and went to my Nana’s for Christmas day we used to have little present bags from my Nana. We would open our main presents from Nana at home in the morning with mum and dad, and then once we had, had Christmas lunch Nana would get out the little bags and we would open those. It spread the presents out a bit and it was a nice little bag of goodies, usually chocolate, socks, Shower gel and so on.

When do you start getting excited about Christmas?

Urm October??!! haha. As soon as Halloween is out of the way its fair game I’d say. Although, from the 24th November on wards I start decorating and that’s when it gets super exciting.

Do you have an advent calendar?

Of Course! I always have a chocolate advent calendar which is usually Cadbury’s. I have previously had different beauty advent calendar’s but I couldn’t decided on which one to get this year (Some are so pricey!!). I’ve also had colouring advent calenders too which are cool and super fun!

Christmas favourites

What is your favourite Christmas Song?

Last Christmas By Wham!

What is your favourite Christmas Film?

I don’t know if I have a favourite but I like ‘Deck the halls’ and ‘Elf’. I also love to tape the ‘Made for TV’ Christmas films haha.

What is your favourite Christmas activity to do?

I love going to the annual Christmas panto in our local town, a bit of Christmas shopping, stopping for a hot chocolate, decorating.

What is your favourite TV to watch at Christmas?

The soaps usually get pretty good at this time of the year, especially Eastenders. I also love watching I’m a celeb which is usually on at the beginning of December. The Doctor Who Christmas special, Harry Potter & the Philosphers Stone.

Until next time,

Roseanne πŸ™‚

πŸŽ…πŸŽ… BLOGMAS 2018 πŸŽ…πŸŽ…

Its that time of year again!

Blogmas is back.

If you aren’t familiar with Blogmas then basically it is 24 (or 25) festive posts from the start of December up until the big day itself.

The rules, one post a day, and make them fully festive.

Christmas is 100% my favourite time of the year.

Yeah, it’s a bit chilly but I am so ready for some serious festive fun.

I hope you enjoy these posts throughout December and if there’s anything in particular I can do let me know.

Which sort of Blogmas posts are your fave?

Until next time,

Rohohoseanne πŸŽ„

Christmas fayre fun: Blogmas day 17

Hi guys!

My oldest nephew Noah now goes to pre school (😒 He’d just turned 1 when I started this blog!!) And they had a little Christmas fayre, to raise money for the pre school, at the weekend. I popped along with my sister, bro in law and nephews to take a look.

It was only a small fayre but they had some super cute and really lovely little activities for the children (& adults!!) to enjoy.

Of course they had the standard raffle, tombola and cake stall, because is it even a fayre without those!!

They also had a ‘Snowman soup station β˜ƒ

I love this idea! You have a little cellophane cone and put two scoops of hot chocoate in your cone and top it with a scoop of mini marshmallows, tie it up and you’ve got your own cute hot choclate cone, or snowman soup should I say! 

Noah loved scooping in the ingredients.

Noah, Me and Sarah made one each (& I made one for my hubby Tim) to go into our Christmas eve boxes.

These would make a lovely Christmas gift idea for friends or from the kiddies as it’s a bit of fun but super easy.

Me & Noah had some turns on the tombola and won some hand cream haha.

Noahy also made himself some reindeer food ready for the reindeers on Christmas eve.

Casey has a little snowman painted onto his arm to get into the festive spirit. β˜ƒ

When we got home Noah and Casey’s letters from Santa, that I’d arranged with the big guy myself (it’s not what you know, it’s who you know) had arrived.

Noah was really pleased with his letter, stickers and official nice list certificate.

‘Thats exciting isn’t it!!’

It seems only yesterday he was having his ‘first’ steps etc and now it’s pre school ‘firsts’ and such. Time really flies, but I am loving how excited and how much Noah understands Christmas this year! It’s going to be so much fun πŸ˜€


Until next time,

Roseanne πŸ™‚

Getting into the festive spirit πŸŽ„ Blogmas day 11

Hi guys!

It’s very easy to get caught up in the hussle and bussle of December, its a super busy month in the lead up to Christmas, but you need to make sure you enjoy Christmas yourself.

It will make the festive period so much more enjoyable if you take the time to get into the spirit.

These are just a few ways that I spend a day in, if I want to get into the festive spirit or am feeling particularly Christmassy and want to have a Christmassy day.

Lets take a look…

1. Watch a Christmas film/TV show

I love popping a Christmas film on, to sit and watch or to have on the background. I am quite fond of theΒ  ‘made for TV’ Christmas films, I’ve been recording those to watch at the weekends. One of my fave Christmas films is Arthur Christmas, although I do have to watch the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special at least once!!

2.Β  Write out your Christmas cards

This not only gets you in to the Christmas mood but it also ticks a job off the list too which is great for taking away some of the seasonal stress. I LOVE our Christmas cards this year, I found them in Primark and they are Harry Potter Christmas cards.

Of course I had to buy them, they are so cool but the designs are really pretty too. They were Β£1 for a pack of 30 and I bought three packs.

3. Do some decorating

This is one of my most favourite Christmassy activities ever and it is guaranteed to make you feel so festive, I seriously challenge anyone to not feel super festive whilst putting up the decs.

If I’m feeling really Christmassy I end up buying more decorations or just going around the flat popping all the lights on and admiring the tree decorations haha.

4. Pop on a Christmas CD/play some Christmas tunesss

Because Christmas songs are life.

My ultimate fave is WHAM! Last Christmas, classic. We have a spotify playlist that is Christmas themed but we also have the ‘NOW! That’s what I call Christmas CD, unfortunatly this year I am yet to find it, sadface 😦

and finally…

5. Do some present wrapping

The ultimate Christmas activity, cosied up in front of a film, hot chocolate by your side and a festive array of wrapping paper, ribbon and bows and you are certainly in for a festive afternoon. I have found a couple of different sets of ribbons etc and have again gone for the traditional colour scheme of red, gold and green. I also have some pretty white and gold sets too.

The paper you see above is so cute and is covered in traditional Christmas toy soldiers, gingerbread men, snowmen and candy canes, adorable. I bought this one to wrap the children’s presents with.

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with Ikea’s Christmas wrapping selection, this is where the bulk of mine is from (random I know!) but great and inexpensive too.

I will be doing another post later in Blogmas with some great ways to feel festive when you are out and about!


I hope this helps make you feel festive and ready to get your jolly on!

Ho, Ho, Ho!


Until next time,

Roseanne πŸ™‚


Our annual Christmas party πŸŽ‰ Christmas eve part 2

Yesterday was our annual Christmas party πŸŽ‰ Our friendship group from school have been doing Secret Santa for about 4 or 5 years now as it’s easier (& cheaper) than getting everyone a present and it’s a bit of fun. I always organise it so Me & Tim turned it into a party occasion last year and we thought we’d do the same this year too. 

We got the flat ready & party food cooking once I’d got back from work! 

Christmas crackers!

The games table! I got these cute set of Christmas themed photo booth props from B & M in town for Β£1.99, They are so cute & festive! The werewolf game is a mystery role playing card game for a large group, Tim found this on Amazon for Β£15 and of course classic pub quiz which we picked up from Tesco for Β£2.50! The questions are actually really good as there are lots of cool categories like food, sport, celebrity, science & nature and they aren’t too ridiculously hard which is great for all the family!

We had nibbles, drinks & exchanged presents first! 

I got an awesome Fantastic Beasts colouring book & mystery mini figure which turned out to be Harry Potter, awesome β˜‡

Once we had eaten we continue with our drinks and played the games;

Photo booth fun…

Pub quiz…

Team Brookehill, winners of the 2016 wooden spoon! 

It was a really good night and great to catch up together before Christmas!

I can’t believe it’s Christmas eve and Santa will be here soon.

Ho Ho Ho

Roseanne πŸŽ…

Christmas eve part 1: Christmas arts & crafts

Only one day to go!! Im doing Christmas eve in two parts again like last year as theres been lots going on these last few days, super festive! 

How is it Christmas eve already, this is so mad, where has December gone?!? I’m going to miss all the festive build up, its one of the best bits of Christmas.

I found an awesome craft set from Wilko in town and had to get it to do with Noah, I knew he would enjoy it. 

In the set you get 12 ceramic Christmas themed ornaments, mini pots of paint, a paintbrush, 2 tubes of glitter and string to hang them up. What made this set even more amazing is that when I got it it was reduced to half price making it a bargin Β£2.50!! I couldn’t believe it. 

Full price it would have been Β£5 which is still really good as it’s great fun, brilliant value and these would make adorable homemade Christmas presents too.

Here’s me and Noah having a go at some crafty arty fun…

He really enjoyed himself which is the main thing 😊 & Auntie Ro Ro did too hehe.

Part 2 will be up later! Our annual Christmas partyπŸŽ‰

In my beauty advent calender today…

Today was a bother lipstick in a lovely autumnal plum colour.

Here’s a swatch…

Ho Ho Ho 

Roseanne πŸŽ