A new home decor lookbook

Greenery & plants

Flowers, Aldi

Plants, Tesco

Faux Succulents pot, The Range ÂŁ10.99

Book Nook

Bookcase, IKEA

Chair, Wayfair ÂŁ54.99

Throw, Wilko

Cushion, Selfridges

Rug, Wayfair ÂŁ10.99

The Kitchen

Kitchen coffee menu sign, The Range ÂŁ3.95

The Lounge

Pink Pom Pom cushions, Next ÂŁ12

‘Love’ bird/leaf metal sign, The Range ÂŁ8.09

Our Bedroom

Harry Potter Sign, Primark ÂŁ3

Set of 5 Botanical prints (See the ‘Middle Room’ section for the other 3) The Range, ÂŁ9.99


Bathroom Lino, fit to measure & installed by Carpet Right.

The Middle Room

Set of 5 Botanical prints (See the ‘Our Bedroom’ section for the last 2) The Range ÂŁ9.99

I hope you enjoyed this little look at some of the pieces I’ve been collecting for our home.

The next part of the home decor is to finish lots of painting, including a fresh coat of paint on the blue bathroom wall, finish up the red tile painting in the kitchen and re glossing the lounge double doors onto the Juliette balcony.

I’d better stock up on the paintbrushes!

Until next time,

Roseanne 🙂

Harry Potter room decor âšĄ

Hi guys!

So, I had a couple of ideas of what to do for my next blog post but, I couldn’t decide which to do next. I took to Twitter (@RoseannesBlog) and asked my followers which one they would like to see, With a massive 75% of the vote was ‘Harry Potter room decor’.

When we moved into our flat my husband Tim chose the colour scheme for our bedroom and he went for red… little did he know that I would use this to transform it into a Harry Potter haven haha.

With Gryffindor being my favoured Hogwarts house this is the theme I went for as it went perfectly with the red colour scheme of the room, Lets take a look!

Lets start with bedding…

All of these pieces come from Primark (Bar one pillow which I received as a gift) On the left is my Harry Potter throw, its a lovely soft and snuggly white with the Gryffindor crest and other little pictures and symbols printed on it. Next up are the cushions, the pale, yellowy/brown coloured Mauraders map themed pillow was bought for me as a birthday present a few years ago. I love that it looks like the parchment of the map, with the print of the map on it. The other pillow is from Primark and its grey and red tones with the house crests on it. The bedding is so cool! Our bedroom furniture is from Ikea’s Malm range and is black so this bedding went perfectly. On one side it is all black with a large print of Hogwarts in white, the other side has small Hogwarts’s (Not sure that’s a word) printed onto white and a ‘H’ for Hogwarts, double sided, two for the price of one.

Next up…

I picked up both of these from the Harry Potter studios tour in Watford. On the left is a Gryffindor banner and on the right is a Gryffindor flag. These are hung up on the red feature wall, either side of the window.


I also hang up my Gryffindor scarf over the headboard of our bed to add a touch of Gryffindor to the bed spread. I picked this up from the studio tour too.


I love these two prints. On the left is one from Primark that my older sister bought for me. I love this and it fitted perfectly in our room as it came with the black frame. I love the copper lightening bolts.

The other print I bought online and I really like the simplicity of this too. All black and super simple but cool.

and finally, accessories…

I love these pieces, they are so awesome!! The candle is from Primark. I of course picked up the Gryffindor one but it also comes in the different houses too and a generic Hogwarts one (which I’m also tempted to get too) The bunting also comes from Primark and is EPIC! This is one of my favourite things.

The Gryffindor common room sign came from a recent Harry Potter event that me and my sister went to. I thought this was a cool little addition as our room definatly has Gryffindor common room/dormitory vibes! (Still trying to persuade Tim that we need drapes)

I hope you enjoyed this post 🙂

If you are on the look out for any Harry Potter items yourself (or clothes, shoes etc) be sure to check out Primark as their range is beyond awesome.

Until next time,

Roseanne 🙂