The Harry Potter tag â˜‡

So, being the massive Harry Potter
Fan that I am I thought that I would do the Harry Potter tag. For those of you who don’t know what this is its just a list of questions either about you, or a certain topic, that you answer. I just typed ‘Harry Potter tag into Google to obtain these questions. 

To make it a bit more fun I asked my twin sister Sarah (my fellow Harry Potter enthusiast) her Husband Dan and my Husband Tim to answer the questions with me. I’ve used the abbreviations R for me (Roseanne) S for Sarah, D for Dan & T for Tim.

Let’s get into it!

1. Which is your favourite book?

R- Definatly book no 1, the philosophers stone. It’s so darn magical.

S- Book 1, the philosophers stone.

T- Book 4, the goblet of fire

D- The first one.

2. Which is your least favourite book? 

R- Mine is probably book no 5, the order of the phoenix just because i found a few chapters in the middle quite boring #grawp

S- Yeah the same, Order of the Phoenix because I hate Umbridge.

T- Book 1, the philosophers stone! (I couldn’t believe it when he said that! 😱)

D- The chamber of secrets.

3. Which is your favourite film?

R- 100% the first film for how magical it is and for the fact that it introduces you to the magical world. Like it serioudly makes me smile everytime I watch it (& think ‘Why can’t it be real!!’) and also the Deathly Hallows pt2 as this is where it all ends, it ties it all together nicely and is flipping epic.

S- Same as Roseanne 👍 The Philosphers Stone & The Deathly Hallows pt2

T- The Goblet Of Fire!

D- The last one.

4. Which is your least favourite film? 

R- My least favourite is the Prisoner of Azkaban. I just don’t like the way it’s so different from the first couple, even some of the scenery and layout of Hogwarts changes, that annoys the continuity freak in me haha.

S- The Deathly Hallows Pt1 because it’s basically Harry Potter goes camping.

T- The Chamber of secrets, It’s just not as good as the others.

D- Probably the prisoner of Azkaban.

5. Favourite quote…

R- ‘It is our choices that show us what we truly are far more than our abilities’ either that or ‘Not my daughter you bitch’ 😂

S- ‘It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live’ I’ve actually got this tattooed on my foot.

T-  I don’t have one… 🙈

D- I don’t know any quotes tbh! 

Seriously guys!!! 😱

6. Favourite Weasley?

R- legit Fred and George, they are awesome.

S- Fred and George, cause they are twins and their mischievous and it’s really sad when one of them dies 😭

T- Fred and George.

D- I spose Fred cause he has that joke shop. (Poor George!!)

7. Favourite female character?

R- I love Molly Weasley, she’s great! Such a lovely motherly figure, kind, stern, funny and loyal. All hail mamma Weasley!

S- Molly Weasley because she’s awesome and she’s a nice mum to Harry even though he’s not hers.

T- Ginny Weasley, I don’t think Hermione is very interesting and she’s the other main female.

D- I only know Hermione so her I spose.

8. Favourite make character?

R- Snape! He’s a great character, so much depth. 

S- Dumbledore because he’s DUMBLEDORE!!

T- Snape.

D- Male, urm Dumbledores brother, he’s like an unsung hero at the end isn’t he.

9. Who do you think is the best villain?

R- It’s got to be Voldemort, he is pure evil, creepy as hell and just terrifying.

S- Snape! Because you hate him the whole way through when all along he was just good.

T- Draco, he’s just a bit pathetic isn’t he!?!

D- I’ll go for Track.

10. Which Deathly Hallow would you choose?

R- The invisibility cloak, the others are wayyy too dangerous really.

S- The invisibility cloak, cause then you can see what people are saying about you and freak people out. And you can get into places for free!!

T- The invisibility cloak, the other ones are kinda useless in the real world. (R- Harry Potter is real?! T- No its not Roseanne #sadface)

D- The cloak of invisibility.

11. Who is your favourite professor?

R- Mcgonagall! She’s a badass.

S- Mcgonagall.

T- Not sure, maybe Snape? 

D- Urm, Professor Moody, cause he’s a bit different isn’t he.

12. What house do you think you would be In? 

R- Probably Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.

S- Possibly Gryffindor or Ravelclaw.

T- Gryffindor.

D- Gryffindor.

13. What is your Pottermore house? 

R- Ravenclaw.

S- Ravenclaw.

T- I can’t remember!! (R- Wasnt it Hufflepuff? T- I’m not sure tbh)

D- Havnt got one.

14. Which would your favourite lesson be?

R- Charms I think, just because it’s the standard lesson and it would be cool to learn all the spells.

S- Charms.

T- Transfiguration.

D- Learning to fly!

15. Who is your favourite Marauder?

R- Mine is definatly Remus Lupin. He’s the nicest one, in a group of friends he reminds me of me. Plus I named my Guinea pig after him 👊

S- Lupin.

T- Sirius, He’s cool.

D- Professor Lupin because  he’s a werewolf. 

So, that’s our Harry Potter tag! I hope you enjoyed 😀☇

Until next time, 

Roseanne 🙂

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